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Louisville Ky.
Nov. 24th 1871

H H Ray Esq
Agent Bureau,
R.F. and A.L.

In reply to your letter of 23 inst, (recd to day) relating to Maria Drain I have the honor to reply as follows. viz:  The order presented to you by me for $100. and signed by Maria Drain was not for fees as you say she now states, but for money I loaned her - The first money I loaned her was on the 20th day of Dec. 1870 - on that date I commenced working for her in her claims - both pension and bounty - I was informed afterwards by the Hon. the Second Auditor, that I could not be recognized as atty. in the Bounty claim - and I did no more at that, further than to occasionally write for her - but I have still worked in the pension claim as I am, in that, the recognized atty - When she first came to me she was in the most abject state of poverty