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where I first learned of Reuben's being sick. I wrote two letters, directing "Surgeon in charge Pest Hospital Alexandria Va" inquiring for him, but received no answer. Lieut M. & myself, both concluded that he had died. 

I enclose $100.00 which I think will pay him, at least all we agreed to $10.00 per month. 

Of Lt. Dorrance's whereabouts I am at present uninformed or would write him in regard to this. If Reuben is unemployed he can obtain an excellent situation with a friend of mine, Col A.C. Babcock at Canton Illinois:

Asking you to have the receipt of enclosed, acknowledged 

I am General 
Most Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant 
Charles W. Wills
formerly Capt. Co. G. 
Late Maj. 103d Ills. Infty.

No money was ever drawn or received from the paymaster, for him, to my knowledge.