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suppose, that we cannot secure available teachers from among the colored people. - This I think is a mistake, so far as instruction in the simpler branches is concerned - and it will soon, I hope, be equally so with regard to the higher studies. 

It is a remarkable fact, that in every enterprise [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] which the freedmen control, is continually exhibited a respect for religious observances, and duties. The religion of the New Testament is their delight and confidence, and those are their chief helpers who encourage them in the Christian faith, while at the same time they teach them worldly wisdom. 

Trusting that you will pardon the hasty manner these thoughts are thrown together. 
I remain
Sincerely Yours
A. R. Ketchum

Savannah Georgia 
July 21st 1865
A.R. Ketchum
Captain &c.
Report of Colored Schools

Statement of Capt. A R Ketchum in regard to Col'd Schools in Savannah