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who has been confined in the Old Capitol prison on charges of firing from an ambush upon the troops sent in pursuit of the Assassin Booth, and who is said by his neighbors to be a desperate character. Neal drew a pistol and attempted to shoot Lee; an application, supported by the affidavit of Lee was made by Lieut. OBrien to the civil authorities for a warrant to arrest Neal, and was refused on the ground that Lee was not a competent witness. At a public meeting in Charles Co. on the 15th inst. a colored man named Isaac Craig, for taking off his hat to cheer the speaker who referred to the emancipation act, was set upon by several men, designated as "southern sympathizers" - among whoom were Mr. Dent, a magistrate, & Mr. Smoot, a constable - knocked down repeatedly and beaten until life was nearly extinct. After several blows had been struck, Craig attempted to defend himself - and for this he was afterward arrested and by this same Magistrate Dent - one of the assaulting party - committed to prison for an attempted assault on a white man. While at the Govt. Farms the case of a colored woman, Milly Sewell, whose affidavit is transmitted herewith, was investigated in my presence. Milly Sewell, showed the marks of a brutal attack made with Mrs. Jane Wood. Upon a close examination, it transpired that the colored