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looked after, and some effort made to assist them to better quarters. Several buildings belonging to Gov't are now occupied by them, and many more now idle might be.

Most of the property held as abandoned, has been restored to the owners. Applications have been made for the restoration of the remainder. Then on a few buildings (property of disloyal persons) still occupied by tenants who rented from an agent of the Treasury Dept. for which no rent was paid for August.

The military force at Harpers Ferry is small, consisting of two Companies of the 193rd NY. Infy. It is expected that they will be mustered out soon. Capt. Jones Comdg. the past, promised his aid to prevent further outrages upon the freedmen, as did also the Provost Marshal - Lieut. Olmsted. I left a file of Genl. Howards Circulars for their guidance, and the promised to act promptly as long as they remained at the post.

At Hoods Mills, in Carroll Co. Ms, there has been some trouble caused by a party of white men who seek to drive away colored labours, fearing that their staying will cause a decrease in the rate of wages. One Col'd man in the employ of Mr. Samuel Beuty had his house broken open and all his clothing taken by some of these men. Mr. Beuty, also lost several articles, stolen by them. He represents them to be desperate characters, whom the authorities dare not