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arrest, and is certain that the respectable portion of the community would be glad to have them arrested and furnished in some way. As Mr. Bentz, who can obtain justice in the usual way, has a case against these men, I advised him to push that and secure their arrest and punishment.

Complaints had been made by a mother, that her child, at Ellicotts Mills, Howard Co. Md. was held against the consent of both mother & child. I visited the place and found the child, a girl seventeen years old, doing well. She is well clothed, has a chance to learn, and does not want to leave her present place. That there is no compulsion used to restrain her liberty, I am confident.

There is a small force of cavalry at Ellicott's Mills, stationed there to prevent horse stealing - the usual police force of the county being insufficient to prevent this, & other depredations.

So far as I had an opportunity to observe, the condition of the colored people in the part of Md. through which I passed is generally good. Both employers & employees, seem well satisfied. I noticed the same insufficiency of labor here that causes complaint in other parts of the state.

I am, Colonel,
Very respectfully, your obt. servant,
S.N. Clark
Lieut. & A.A.A. Genl.

Transcription Notes:
S.N. Clark