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Washington D.C. August 17, 1865

Col. Jno. Eaton Jr
Asst Comr Bureau RF &c
District of Columbia

We have the honor to submit the following statement. While attending a political meeting on Tuesday the 15th inst, at Cracklingtown, near Bryantown, Charles Co. Md. a Colored man named Isaac Craig was assaulted by a gang of Southern sympathizers, and beaten in a most brutal & cruel manner, all this this for no other reason than that Isaac Craig took off his hat and cheered for Mr. Danl. Hawkins, a union man who was at that time speaking of the proclamation of Freedom.  No other charge of any nature whatever can be brought against the said Isaac Craig.  He has ever been a most peaceable, quiet unoffending and law-abiding man.  The names of the party committing the assault are as follows, Harry Burch, John Moran, Joseph Padgett, Elias Padgett, Osie Padgett, Kiah Canter, -- Knighton, an overseer for Col. Jno. D. Bowling -- Dudley also an overseer for Col Jno. D Bowling, Saml. Smoot, Peter Nuttle, Frederick Dent (a magistrate) & Dr. Geo. Mudd,
Henry Burch commenced the assault by striking Craig with a club tronce. The remainder of the above mentioned party immediately followed the example of Burch, and beat & kicked Craig until life was almost extinct.
After Craig had been beaten, Knighton procured a rope, placed it around his neck & insisted upon hanging him.
We are of the opinion that they then and there, would have killed Craig had they not feared the retribution which