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of Columbia, reference to the same being hereby made, the said lot containing one acre more or less. 

Together with all the improvements, ways, easements, rights, privileges, and appurtenances to the same belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, and claim, either at law or in equity, or otherwise however of the said parties of the first part, of, in, to, or out of the said piece - or parcel - of ground and premises. 

To have and to Hold the said piece - or parcel- of ground and premises and appurtenances unto and to the use of the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns forever, -

In and upon the trusts nevertheless, hereinafter mentioned and declared, that is, in trust, to permit the said parties of the first part, their heirs or assigns, to use and occupy the said  described premises, and the rents, issues and profits thereof; to take, have, and apply to and for their sole use and benefit, until default be made in the payment of said debt, due as aforesaid to the Freedmen's Savings and Trust Company, or any proper cost, charge, commission, half=commission, or expense in and about the same.

And upon the full payment of all of said Note and interest thereon, and all other proper costs, charges commissions, half=commissions, and expenses at any time before the sale hereafter provided for, to release and reconvey the said described premises unto the said parties of the first part, their heirs or assigns, at... cost.

And upon this further trust, that upon default being made in the payment of the said promissory note of the said party of the first part or any proper cost, charge, commission, half=commission, or expense in and about the same then and at any time thereafter to sell the said piece - or parcel- of ground and premises at public auction, upon such terms and conditions, and at such time and place, and after such previous public advertisement, as the said parties of the second part or their heirs in the execution of this trust shall deem advantageous and proper; and to convey the same in fee=simple to and at the cost of the purchaser or purchasers thereof, who shall not be required to see the application of the purchase money; and of the proceeds of said sale or sales, first to pay all proper costs, charges, and expense, and to retain as compensation a commission of - per cent. on the amount of the said sale or sales; secondly, to pay whatever may then remain unpaid of the said Note and the interest thereon, whether the same shall be due or not; and lastly, to pay the remainder, if any, to said parties of the first part, their heirs or assigns.