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In Testimony Whereof, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hand and seal on the day and year first hereinbefore written. 

…………… SEAL
…………… SEAL

Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of-

District of Columbia,}
County of Washington,}ss.

…………in and for the……aforesaid,in the said……do hereby certify that…………part……to a certain Deed, bearing date on the……day of……A.D.186 ,and hereto annexed, personally appeared before……in the……aforesaid, the said…………being personally well known to……to be the person who executed the said Deed, and acknowledged the same to be……act and deed; and the said…………being by……examined privily and apart from……husband, and having the Deed aforesaid fully explained to……acknowledged the same to be……act and dead, and declared that……had willingly signed, sealed, and delivered the same, and that……wished not to retract it.

Giben under……hand and……seal this……day of……, A.D.186

Deed of trust-3