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Resolved, That in pursuance of section 2, article 2, of the "Articles of Organization" of this Company, the duties of the General and Stock Agent shall be as follows, to wit:

1st. To solicit subscriptions to the capital stock of the Company, to receive the first instalment on the same, and give the proper receipt therefor. 

2d. To pay over all moneys received by him for the Company, to the Treasurer, taking his receipt for this same; remit all funds in his hands at least once in two weeks, and when absent from the general office, he shall remit by draft.

3d. To make a weekly report of his transactions, as General and Stock Agent of the Company, to the Secretary, who shall file the same for the inspection of the executive committee. 

4th. To make a quarterly report to the executive committee, which shall exhibit, in detail, the number of subscribers since preceding report to the capital stock, the names of the same, and the amount each has paid as instalment. 

5th. To appoint such responsible persons for sub-agents in the various States as he may deem proper for the interest of the Company, and for whose acts he shall be responsible. 

6th. In accordance with the fourth article of the by-laws of this Company, the General and Stock Agent is hereby (in addition to the before enumerated duties) instructed and authorized to receive and receipt for all moneys paid in under said by-law. 

WASHINGTON, D.C., August 15, 1865.
I certify that the above is a true copy from the original minutes of the executive committee, now on file in this office. 

JOHN TRIMBLE, JR., Secretary

Sub-agents are required in all cases to make the same reports to the General Agent as he is required to make to the Company, and as far as applicable to follow implicitly the foregoing instructions, reporting and paying over all moneys collected by them to the General Agent.
General Office, 273 F street, Washington, D.C., August 17, 1865. 

General and Stock Agent. 


1st. That leases, whenever practicable, be taken of lands wholly or partially under cultivation, at a stipulated price per acre, as rent, to be paid out of the proceeds of the crop of the leased premises, annually; the lease containing the right of purchase of the premises, at the option of the lessee, at any time during the life of the lease, at a stipulated price named in the lease.

2d. That whenever, in a given locality, a sufficient amount of lands cannot be leased, as provided for in paragraph 1 of these instructions - to settle at least fifty families - then the agent be authorized to accept leases without the right of purchase; or if unable to supply the deficiency wholly in this way, then he be authorized to contract for the purchase, absolutely, of a sufficient amount of lands to supply the deficiency. 

3d. In no instance shall a lease be taken for a less period than three years, nor a longer period than five (50 years when the right of purchase is not incorporated; but when the right of purchase exists, they may be taken for as long a period as possible. 

4th. That the agent be authorized to pay one dollar on each contract for the purchase of lands, as stipulated in paragraph 2 of these instructions; and the contract shall determine on the first day of January, 1866. 

5th. That the agent be instructed to subdivide the lands leased at his direction, with a view to a requisite amount to each tenant for cultivation, timber and pasturage, and be authorized to incur the necessary expenses to do the same, and to draw on the treasury of the Company for the amount. 

6th. That the agent be instructed that rents must only be contracted to be paid on the land actually under cultivation at the time of taking the lease, and that, in no case, must a lease be taken unless a sufficient amount of timber for the necessities of the lessee be provided for by the lease.

I certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the "Instructions to Leasing and Purchasing Agents," on file in this office.

JOHN TRIMBLE, JR., Secretary.
WASHINGTON, D.C., August 12, 1865

All leasing and purchasing agents will report as often as convenient to the General Agent, 273 F street, Washington, D.C.

C.A. Stevens, General and Stock Agent