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larger sum of money than seventy-five thousand dollars to provide plantations for an additional number of settlers, it will be the policy of the company to obtain it by authorizing a subscription to an additional number of shares, and requiring the payment of ten per cent, rather than call upon the original stockholders for further instalments. The subscribers to these additional shares will of course stand in all respects upon an equality with the original subscribers. 

Another feature of this company is, that auxiliary organizations in each State are provided for; the officers of which, together with the officers of the principal company, constitute the Board of Managers. 

The importance of an immediate organization of settlers cannot be over-estimated. The preparation of the ground for cultivation should commence in the month of February; and to enable them to make suitable arrangements for that purpose, they ought to be collected at the point of rendezvous during the months of December and January. 

Assurances of the approval of the objects of this company have been received from the different executive departments of the Government, including the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, &c., and such effective aid in carrying them out as they can lawfully furnish; and nothing remains to secure the complete success of the enterprise but the hearty co-operation of the loyal citizens of the Northern States. 

C.A. STEVENS, General Agent;