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pupils. We now, with increased means of information, and greater assurance of certainty, estimate that, beyond the 90,778 pupils as officially reported, there are, including the above irregular and Sabbath-schools, with colored soldiers and individuals who are learning at home, one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) freedmen and their children, who at the present moment are earnestly and successfully occupied in the study of books.

There is also a considerable number of schools for refugee white children, and your officers encourage the formation of these; but the reports of the last quarter, for some reason, give us less information on this subject than formerly.

Our report in detail from the several States, is as follows:

In the State of Virginia there are one hundred and twenty-three (123) schools, two hundred (200) teachers, eleven thousand seven hundred and eighty-four(11,784) pupils, with an average attendance of eight thousand nine hundred and fifty-one (8,951). This is about the same number as was reported on the first of January last.

The whole field of education in the State has been gradually enlarging, and schools are demanded in new localities. Some of the better class of white citizens favor the elevation of the negro, and a considerable number of earnest calls have been made by them for teachers and books. Only a portion of these, however, could be met, from lack of means in the hands of the benevolent Associations; and the controlling classes of the State Have neither the disposition nor the ability to undertake any part of this work, beyond a very little Sunday-schools. It may be said that no practical sympathy or assistance from citizens is to be looked for at present in educating the freedmen, though the religious conventions of the State have passed resolutions acknowledging it to be their duty.

The schools in this State numbered, on the first of July, one hundred and nineteen (119); teachers, one hundred and thirty-five (135); pupils nine thousand and eighty-four (9,084).

This is a considerable increase over the last semi-annual report, though a loss of seventeen (17) schools, twenty-three (23) teachers, and eighteen hundred and eighty-seven (1,887) pupils, as enumerated on the first of June.

We have no way of accounting for this decrease, except that the schools commenced their summer vacation early. It is believed that education for the freedmen in this State has obtained a permanent foot-hold. Titles to real estate on which to build school-houses, have, in a number of instances, been obtained, and the benevolent Associations of the north will, it permitted, prosecute vigorously their work throughout the State.

The resident white population in some instances are beginning to look with favor upon the schools. On the late trial of General WHITTLESEY. one of the most prominent citizens of Raleigh testified to his gratification at the progress which the colored children had made in their studies.

A pleasant instance of voluntary labor is found on the "Avon Farm" in Pitt country, where Mrs. HORACE JAMES has, for some time past, been teaching a "Bible reading" of this class can now read the Bible themselves.

The Superintendent's Report from South Carolina is far more full and perfect than from any other State. On the first of June there were seventy-five (75) schools, with one hundred and forty-eight (148) teachers, and nine thousand and seventeen (9,017) pupils,-all making regular returns. Besides this, there are in the State, on plantations, and taught in a private way, usually by some colored person, at least thirty-eight schools with forty teachers and three thousand pupils,-making in the aggregate over twelve thousand (12,000) who are now in a process of thorough instruction. This is an increase of two thousand (2,000) within the last six months. Of these

3,614 study Mental Arithmetic.
1,195 study Written Arithmetic.
181 study in 2d (or higher) series.
32 study in 3d series.
1,707 study in Geography.
590 being in 2d of a series.
352 being in 3d of a series.
288 study English Grammar.
3,277 write on Slates.
2,157 write in Books.

In the schools regularly reporting it is found that 6,256 are pure blacks, 3,049 are of mixed blood, and only 800 were free before the war. It may not be uninteresting to