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note that twenty-four purely white children are found in these schools.

Of the 148 teachers, 90 are from the south; fifty-eight (58) are native southerners, fifty (50) of these being colored persons. 

The above facts are the more remarkable, as, owing to an unsettled state of society, and the calls for labor, the scholars in nearly all the State were greatly changed about the first of January. Many of the schools lost at that time their most advanced pupils, and received, in place of these, children just from the fields, knowing absolutely nothing of letters. Even in the city schools this was true. In one of the largest in the city of Charleston the teacher says: "Notwithstanding the term has lasted nearly eight months, yet the pupils now registered have not on the average been members of the school quite six months." "Four hundred," he adds, "have come and gone during the term, and most of those now reading in the primer have been received since January."
The whole cost of supporting the seventy-five schools regularly reported for the past year has been $72,000,— paid mainly by northern Associations—being about eight dollars for each pupil. The average cost of teachers has been $40 per month. The expense of northern teachers is greater than for southern, but, in view of the much larger results, it is found more economical to employ them. And yet, to the latter encouragement should be given, and efforts made to furnish them with thorough qualifications. The better class of colored youth of both sexes are very desirous of becoming teachers, and they are employed when sufficiently prepared.  

The intense desire of the freedmen for education is still apparent in South Carolina. They are making very laudable efforts among themselves to secure permanent sites and buildings for their schools. Five houses have already been built, and others are in course of erection, chiefly by their own money and labor, and upon ground secured to them by legal titles. 

The houses completed are as follows:
Kingstree—size, 20 by 37 feet.
Darlington—size, 30 by 72 feet.
Florence—size, 35 by 45 feet.
Timonsville—size, 14 by 24 feet.
Marion—size, 20 by 50 feet.

These properties are to be placed in the hands of Trustees selected from the colored people, to be held permanently for school purposes. 


Although many obstacles have been encountered in this State by the friends of education during the past year, yet the present thorough organization, and the whole progress made, is full of encouragement, and reflects great credit upon both patrons and teachers, as well as upon the able State Superintendent. He says, in closing his report: 

"The ignorance of these children is not merely the
ignorance of childhood, but superadded to this are 
distortions and deadness of their faculties produced by
generations of slavery; and, were it not for their intense desire to learn, the weakness of their minds and their vacillation of purpose, would seem insurmountable
obstacles in the way of their education. But the expeperience [[experience]] of the past year proves that the obstacles may be overcome, and that nothing but the absence of the means of education will keep the colored people of the south in their present ignorant condition.

The educational efforts of the past term have had
another result not less satisfactory than the progress of
the colored children. That result is a growing conviction among the white residents of South Carolina favorable to their education. It is true that very few of them are as yet willing to co-operate with the people of the north for this end, nor have they the means to do the work themselves. In many districts the bitterness that was openly manifested towards Yankee teachers, is abating, and, in some cases, requests have been made by planters for northern teachers to be sent to their neighborhood. I do not think, however, that danger to our schools is past, by any means. There are in all portions of the State turbulent and embittered men, who, just in proportion as the Federal power is withdrawn, will become violent, and excite to violence those around them. I fear that in such an event there would not, in this State, be either a government or public opinion strong enough to protect the schools from the attacks of such men. I hope I may be mistaken in this opinion, but experience and observation both tell me that it is wise to be prepared for the worst that may come."


During the last six months the schools in Georgia have more than doubled their number of pupils, and under a vigorous superintendence are in a very satisfactory condition. Thirteen schools have been opened in new places