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T.3. SR 1866
Washington D.C.
March 2nd 1866.

Treasury Department
McCulloch. H.

States that a number of petitions have been addressed to that Dept for restoration of lands in Fla. held by Treasy Agents as abandoned property: is of the opinion that the Secy of Treasy has no power to restore the property. Requests that some officer of the Bureau be authorized to make requisition for the lands & the Treasury Agents be instructed to turn them over.

War Department
Bureau Refugees &c 
Washington Mch 13/66.

Respectfully referred to Col T.W. Osborn Asst Comsr who will please make requisition for the property mentioned within in accordance with the suggestions of the Hon Secy of the Treasury.
By order of
Maj Genl O 0 Howard
Signed/ Max Woodhull
Asst. Adjt. genl.

Office Asst. Comsr
Bureau R F & A L
Tallahassee Mch 23/66

Resty referred to F M. Cole Sub Asst Comsr B. R. F. & A.L. Pensacola Fla who is instructed to make requisition upon and receipt to the Treasury Agent in charge for all lands or other property in his Dist which legally comes under the control of this Bureau.

Mr Cole is also authorized to receipt for all funds turned over to him by the Treasury Agent in accordance with the instructions of the Hon Secy of the Treasy & will forward an account of the same together with al list of the property received to this Office without delay

By order of
Col T. W. Osborn &c
S L M Henry
