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(or the millitary acting for them) to take charge of the permanently disabled and helpless patients now on hand, and proper assistance rendered by the bureau for the purpose, it is not easy to percieve why the Dist. of So. Ca. should form an exception to the successful working of such a measure, in the transfer of the County paupers heretofore cared for by the Bureau, to the various County or City Almshouses in the State.

Such a scheme has been put into practical operation in several of the Districts, and it is proposed to extend its workings to a successful issue throughout the jurisdiction of the Bureau.

There must be a final termination to the existence of the Bureau and its legal limit as at present affixed, is July 16, 1869. But it is requisite that prior to that date a satisfactory conclusion to all its operations (unless indeed, its educational work should prove to be a single exception) should be
