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least would be required. Those who do not attend the school that is in oporation are not able to pay the tuition fees.

Item 10th. None.
Item 11th. None.
Item 12th. Fifty-eight dollars ($58.00).
Item 13th. None.
Item 14th. None.
Item 15th. There are no school houses in the District belonging to the colored people.  The one in which the present school is kept is a house owned by a colored woman which she gives for the benefit of the school, free of charge.
Item 16th.
Item 17th.  The colored people in this District, are a generaly poor, or in poor circumstances and laboring under disadvantages as present, and are not able to build a school house, but are willing to do all that is in their power, for the purpose of educating the children

Report of Freedmen's Schools Sept., 1865