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Not every song that is sung from the heart becomes the song of the people. Not every book that is written from motives good & great, and written in pain & labor, may endure to honor the nation from which it sprang. Not every attempt to place upon canvas or paper, the effect of nature, a noble conception, or a memory, proves a picture that then as is may cherish. Yet are these things all in vain?

They are a part of the art that is enduring, because it takes a vast amount of labor that is underground & unknown to rear a structure that shall last.

Then, if real art is "better than the other kind", what do we mean by "the other kind"?  We have not far to seek it. There seems to me nothing that is at once more ludicrous & more pathetic than the homes we enter that

Transcription Notes:
used | as the end of a line per Smithsonian style guide no need to use | at the of line