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April 28
Dear beautiful Hedda,
Today is warm and beautiful. It's around midnight now. I had to have dinner with Sasha and went to the Armenian restaurant where I ate most disgraceful dinner (sour milk soup etc) and felt so heavy I had to walk 20 blocks or more. I stayed home and read. Didn't go to a party of Bill Bird, didn't feel like seeing Sasha Mili and Covarrubias and felt fine about not going - Late Rogers called me (he was at a party at Sert) and I might go around walking with him (he's buzzing downstairs now, I'll continue later)

It's 1:30 now, I walked with Rogers and it was very pleasant. He has the possibilities of being a friend but pity he's too much in the know - We talked our heads off like adolescents saying all we knew