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fine and they'll be at home in a book. 
Same for China where I made a lot more than I sent or the N. Yorker has published. So I want to make this book of drawings about the war only and I suggest to Duell or Knopf or who wants to make a book of usual drawings of mine. not to print in that book the China drawings, they'll be more effective together with the other drawings in a separate book.

I'll talk about this second project of a book when I hope to be back home.
It's too early now, I don't have yet all the materiel [[material]] and it's premature to talk much or make plans (but I tell it to you because you are my partner)

I sent the N. Yorker 7 drawings about N. Africa and I'll send tomorrow 5-6 more - Then I have sketches I made in Egypt and in Khartoum and a lot of special drawings I made in China and I cannot publish yet.