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Oct 22, 1943

Dear Hedda,
What a day, Hedda! 12 letters from you. from August 5 to Sept 22, all nice rich letters with post cards from museum and Provincetown I see you were worried about me and so we are even because I was a lot worried about you and I like now to know you all right and in good shape. Your picture is an act of injustice and self persecution and don't try to convince me, I know you better. Anyway you can't hide your arms in the picture and they are beautiful and full of contours and soft and send me some more pictures and make one full lenght from hair to shoes. It's too bad I got all the letters together, I can't answer you the normal to each letter in part and anyway you don't ask questions. I was busy the whole day reading them and looking envelopes. The old letters have made quit a trip following me around and arriving places just one or two day [[strikethrough]] before [[\strikethrough]] after I left the place some of them probably got lost, the ones written in July-
I'm glad I sent you already a few drawings so you should have them by now and I'll send you always some.