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Jan. 23 1944
Dear Hedda, 
No mail from you yet, I have the feeling this evening or tomorrow I'll get some - I sent you a couple of days ago a magazine, "the News" I wrote especially for you and I had a lot of fun making it. So much fun that now I'm busy to make a big one, I worked last night on it and it'll be ready in a couple of more days. If you'll have reading it only half of the fun I have on doing it then you'll have a good time and I'll be glad to know that and do more - It's now Sunday morning, I'm working in a place with garden and trees I can see from the window. It's nothing I like more than a window from which you can see the top of trees - It's not too cold and I can keep the windows open - It's 10.20, I have a new watch and I look often the hour - I'd like a lot to hear from you small details like those - I don't know if you care for but for me life is made out of details, and [[crossed-out]] you'd [[/crossed-out]] I'd feel you a lot nearer like to me