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you something new and if people around are noisy or conditions for dream are no good I just write you a harty letter and tell you small usual things and I take for granted that I love you and you know it. On the other hand a letter is such a precious thing it's too bad to disappoint each other when the mystery of the envelope is gone to find just a few usual words and that's all. 

Please answer all the questions I ask you in this letter and yesterday's. I never received any photographs from you. I hope you sent them already (the only one so far is the Kodakrome, beautiful, big on the screen, everybody applauded in the movie house. The only projector I found is from Navy movie hall and the operator projected it to me on the screen when the hall was filled with boys waiting for the movie). Have you received the big parcel from China? Or the many from India? Please write me sometimes with my letter in hand and answer all I ask and comment what I write you. Like having a conversation. Have you received the magazine "The Views" I made for you? As soon as I'll want you to send me something special I'll write you big and clear to show it to the Post Office. All I want now is photo, drawings and you to write me often often often and much. And to love me and say it in every letter [[strikethrough]] a [/strikethrough]] in many words. I love you much and I feel incomplete without you