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last letter a very poor one just because I wanted to write you a big beautiful one but it's always like that. I'll answer or talk things little by little with you and I'll write you often when I'll be able to. I want to keep you warm about me and I don't want you to have doubts or [[strikethrough]] too [[/strikethrough]] to think to much what we decided

It's easier for me to write in separate blocks of ideas like below because I don't have to use useless words to connect one thought with the next. 

Don't you think I'm worst than you think?

I'm writing now in a strange office where I have to wait for something. Typewriters are working around and the regular noise makes sort of quiet. 

I don't know when I'll be back. I'll know it probably one month in advance, I guess, and I'll sure let you know. There's on thing I have to write you, I was thinking it a lot and I decided that I'm in war zone and anything may happen to me (Doam 'fereste) [[doamne fereste]] so don't do any important thing until I'll tell you. 

You think I'm living too much in the past and I keep glorifying the past and beautifying it. It's not [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] quite so. It's rather that the time makes a selection in my ideas and [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikthrough]] the good things are clearer and also the bad things are clearer. I think the time is a good advicer

continuation next letter

Transcription Notes:
Edited. [[strikethrough]] was incomplete. Spelling corrections. Doamne fereste = "heaven forbid!"