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Today is exactly one year since I left San Francisco - I didn't tell you much about that trip. It wasn't bad, a big Dutch liner, very fast, loaded with every sort of people - we had a newspaper aboard and I used to make the funnies in Sundays. We crossed twice the Equator and then arrived in Wellington New Zealand where it was cold as hell and we paraded in town, with music and people cheering and old ladies crying - We had red beer and steaks and town - From there we arrived in Freemantle Australia and had parade again and a sailor got married with an Australian girl and made in time to spend a 3 1/2 hours honeymoon - The girl went to say good bye when the ship left the place and she was all upset, the hair like a jungle, bottoms unbuttoned - We landed finally in Colombo Ceylon and spent a week in the best climate and big Dutch-English hotel with drinks and showers and no worries. I finished by that time all my money and I had a hard time borrowing money from people - I wanted to buy you a ring but I don't like it, I saw a bracelet I did like it but was really too much so I may buy it some other time - From Colombo we went by train, a small dirty train, to Calcutta, in 5 days trip - There I had a hard time and I was very unhappy. 

I guess I'll tell you a lot when I'll be home, I'll be probably one of those hated men telling again and again the story of "when I was in Ceylon" etc. You'll stop me in time Dear I love you much much much So long dear S-