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to a extremely small size and fear that reproduction will be bad (lines missing, small details blotted etc.) I'd rather give up the book than have bad [[strikethrough]] rep /[[strikethrough]] printing.

I sent you a tax thing to sign (all 3 copies) and send back to Miss? at 10 E 40th St

I brace myself for seeing parents, I know I'll have a hard time and you'll have to give me force to behave right the bad part of it is that I can't talk my mind to them because they are able to understand but they'll refuse to.

The only achievement will be that I'll offend them. If I'll break down and tell them my mind it'll be a real breakdown for me. I'll probably do it right because I made my mind about it in details for months now. All I'll need is your affection.

In July or August I'd like to go somewhere beautiful and relax well. I think we should go to Italy but not somewhere with people we know (Elsie etc.) But in spite of crowds etc. I'd still be tempted by Venice. What do you say? We'll see, something between Venice and Isola d'Elba or Sardinia or somewhere in the Adriatic like [[?]]Iatolica. I need very much a period of no work, no jobs I mean. This last one (Detroit) is becoming because of deadline like the ships of last year. It's really a work that should be done in 2 years time.

I wrote you a boring letter I see. Tonight I love you very much and if I could cry I'd have a tear in my eye, a tear of affection for you, hard to explain, something that fathers feel for their small girls. I send you all the affection I have or I ever had in my life and all my love and kindness, caresses, desire and true devotion. Yours, Saul

Transcription Notes:
Not sure of the place name Iatolica or Latolica.