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Monday morning 

Dear Toshiko:
I cannot recall whether or not I answeared your letter which came just before I left for Chicago. I did get the check from the crafts room and enjoyed your letter. I have been so busy this year and hope that I do not take on any projects next year. I do not feel that I do much work but I guess it is remarkable that I'm able to do as much as I do for we do have lots of work connected with the teaching. Of couse it is the other projects that take the time and energy. I had a little exhibit at Oak Ridge after the Chicago trip and a play set to desing. A very nice student was direction LONG DAYS JOURNER INTO NIGHT and we had talked about a set and while in New York he went with me to see the Louise Nevelson show and he thought that a set in that kind of form would be good and I agreed so we worked out something based on this direction. It really was very effective and was something very new for the drama department here. I'm sure Louise would not approve and part of the drama department did not...'The man in charge of design said to a class that it looked like 'an explosion in a lumber yard'...his sets are usually square boxes painted a raw green or brown or if he is really wild they are painted a pure red. For outdoor scenes he uses some trees that looks as if they were made by fourth graders which have been used for years over and over...Artistic endeavors and conflicts.

Classes are over now and this week is fainal grading time. I do not enjoy it at all and right now I'm so impatient with students who think that they can fart at material and something wonderful is supposed to happen. It is especially difficult with the black students for they are so defensive and unmotivated. I sort of understand it and I know it is very complex...they seem to take any suggestion so personally and in the srong way. And all students resent the idea of discipline and are just not going to struggle very much. I'm not bitter as it has been a very good year for me.

I'm looking forward to the summer and hope to get my show together for the fall. I'm a little upset for Lewis has been hospitalized with hepatitis and I've had to take a class for him the first session for summer school which eats into my time some. He seems to be improving and should be at home in a couple of weeks if all goes well.