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Wednesday morning

Dear Toshiko.

Thank you for coming here for a visit. We were all delighted. The workshop and exhibit did all the things that we wanted it to do and as far as I can discern it was completely successful. Lewis was pleased out of his mind and everyone else was very pleased. He has not mentioned the broken piece any more so maybe he is getting that sorted out and will not feel too badly. We forgot to include the enclosed check. A nice person from Memphis bought it. A bowl. There is not much left which is nice for me....

Your visit was particularly special for me in lots of ways and will be something to recall for a long time. I liked my party and hope that it was nice for everyone. Chis Crow came by yesterday. I want to give him a pot for doing the meal and he has decided to come call on you since he'd like that. When he does let him choose something if you have some.... He liked the blue and they are all gone. Something in the 200 250 range is all right with no reduction for friends and I'll take care of it. I had wanted to do something special for your party and having the mayor's son do the meal might be interesting...anyway it was something that I wanted to do...

That cute little sweeper came Monday. I usually do not find much about machines that is interesting but that one struck me as so cute. I know you said you'de send one but I sort of thought that that was the end of it. I'm happy to send you or Miriam a check for it...whatever the cost. I used it on the stairs yesterday and it is great. I think that Hiedi will appreciate it too. She called this morning and said that she loved the exhibit and was happy to be included. She is coming tomorrow to get things in order here. I like having people in but there is always the evidence. Crumbs, ashes, ect...she will get rid of most of those. just another aspect of my excessive lifestyle but it is one that I do not like.

Ruth called and told me about Dr. Evans. She broke the bone, the small one, in her left leg. Evidently a sort of freak accident. She was starting the car to back out and rammed into the center post of the garage. She got to the phone and called the garage men to take the car away but would not go to the hospital. They did not put a cast on it and as you may suspect she is being a very bad patient. She refused to go to therapy were they were helping all sort of old people to walk. She may get to come home in a few days. I did drop her a note and told her about our trying to get in touch with her.

I'm trying to slow down this week but have to get a couple of projects underway. I've worked out a huge design for the madrigal dinner given by the music department. I think it is nice and fortunately I have a very good studio assistant who can carry it may be nice.

All for now. We loved your visit and I hope that you can come back to 536 again.

