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[[image: flag with NASM]] T.S.S.,,NIEUW AMSTERDAM"
the light was all coming from underneath the stairway a place that's [[?]], and in the wall where I had always supposed there was only an archway I saw in reality was a heavy old door partly opened and through the opening the light was streaming in as it was enough to light all the celler - as long as there was light I was bold. [[strikethrough]]enough [[/strikethrough]] so I dropped my coal bucket and pushed this door wide open - curiously enough my first surprise of finding a light in the cellar over I was not surprised to see what appeared to be a long passage way brilliantly lighted in either side were rows of [[?]] [[strikethrough]] which on closer examination I [[/strikethrough]]found were in reality two trunks 3[[strikethrough]]whose branches were so high up in the air that I had not noticed them - at first - and now turning around [[/strikethrough]]