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with you!  As things are now there is nothing to be done about your fund as all money is still blocked here.

Paolo spoke with his friend here Avvocato Bruno Villabruna - the formost lawyer here in Premouche- his address is Via Piave 9 - Torino If your lawyer wants to get you in touch with him tell him to do so at once and any thing that can be done rest assured that it will be - By the way the people in your mother's house were put in there to keep it in order - which I must say they have done. The place has been beautifully kept and every thing is lovely there.

Have you seen Jane? Hope she writes to me -
Land and Real Estate is very high over here!

Best love -

AVV. Bruno Villabruna 
Via Piave 9

Rest assured that the lawyer will cost you much money!