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Dearest Flora - 
As you may see, I am not yet in the land of the unfree, the home of the slave - namely Albany, and I don't see any particular prospects which seem at all favorable to my departure. So - if you happen to come into town any time soon, come to lunch, or if the animal instinct of hunger is strong upon you, have lunch elsewhere & come to see me afterwards! I am still in the midst of my thoroughly

efficient cold & am feeling altogether miserable - I know something has happened to Charley! He hasn't answered either my first letter or my second urgent appeal apropos of spirits. By the way, Mother & I did the table & it told the most miraculous things which I will tell you about when I see you. Will you send me back my stories? I want them before I go to Albany & since my literary career is ever before me, I feel duty bound to send one of them somewhere. 
Come in soon & we'll try the table.
As ever ---(?)