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matter over. I think it highly advisable to leave the whole thing so as far as it has gone, no further - Not that I'm ungrateful for your helpful promotion, but I dont think its good enough, really. Will you read it to me in albany with the others? No. I knew you wouldnt!

You may be surprised to hear that I have finally in a moment of desperation, decided to leave today - I expect to be in the wretched place about a week. I will call you up as soon as I get back.

As for Quentin - I find it more & more impossible to reconcile him - He seems as much in inverse proportion to himself as Charley - which, by the way, is saying a good deal - Nevertheless, I liked him - but as I feel too sure of your indiscretion to tell my exact impression. I will elucidate further when I see you - you see I know your habits as far as letters are concerned