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Villa Gli Arche
Oct. 10.

Flora dear-

In spite of the fact that I had had no answer to any of my numerous letters, I am drawn by some unknown force to wrote once more and hope that you'll have pity on one who needs it perhaps more than she deserves it. I am really a most unfortunate creature in more ways than one and have been passing through a state of mind which would have been greatly assisted by your presence! All in connection with an all too charming, and terribly wounded Italian lieutenant whom I have been to see almost every day for the past two weeks - who has a mind more delightful than could easily be imagined and who, of course had to fall in love with me - it's all a "disastro" and although I may have the reputation & give every appearance of being related to the Snow Queen in the fairy tales & possessing a heart of ice, still you may have had the perception to see that all if it is not