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of the wall paper, which offends my eye by portraying pale yellow tulips, pale green leaves, faded streaks & more faded blue what-nots (or perhaps forget-me-nots), I have at last discovered the colour - So, today, like a child with a new toy, I purchased the colour and my triumph over the  wall-paper is complete - I may even make faces at it now  & tell it to show itself if it dares - I dare  spent all my patrimony & more on yellow bowls, fruit for the yellow bowls, intense blue curtains & orange candle-sticks, & to my excited eye the room looks, not only promising, but already quite enchanting. The iron bed is still a draw back, but unfortunately, necessary - I arrived Saturday, gloomy, forlorn & miserable & immediately purchased two theatre tickets with no particular purpose except that I vaguely thought it a cheerful thing to do - Coincidence brought me to meet a tragedy from 

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