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Mobile, daughter of a chemist, greasy haired, 18, but nevertheless delightfully simple and - artistic. So - we went to the theatre. Sunday, I slept as long as nature would allow & later exercised Sir Douglas Haig 2nd. for hours. Monday at 2 I took the first plunge, or slip into the turbid sea of Art - at 4, I vanished mysteriousely, groped my way up to my room, sat on the floor & wept, cursed myself vigorously and suddenly saw the merest glimpse of a light ahead - it vanished again almost immediately but as I know it's there, there may be a chance for me, although I am more than eve convinced I was meant to be almost anything else but artistic -

Several days have passed & it is now Thursday - or, to be mathematically correct, 2 A.M. Friday February 9. I am more cheerful - in fact almost aggressively so - completely 

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