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Seagram's Steve Lockett with sculptress Barbara Chase Riboud
And Romare Bearden is a painter and collagist, the second of the five artists to have had a recent showing at the Museum of Modern Art. Long a social worker for the City of New York, he now runs the Cinque Gallery for young Black artists.

So prominent was each of these artists that when word began to spread within art circles that Seagram was filming a story about them in Paris, New York, and California, the Museum of Modern Art requested a print for use at the Festival.

"We were delighted to cooperate," says Dominick Albi, Seagram's director of Marketing Communications. "It was a marvelous honor, one that had never been granted a distiller before, and although it required hurrying our shooting schedule, we made the deadline."


That meant that "Five" went on. In fact, it was shown three times that night at the Museum, to overflow crowds who filled the auditorium for the screening before adjoining to the outdoor garden for dancing under the stars which appeared through the New York skies.

The next day, the story ran in the New York Times and in the New York Post. In each case, Seagram was given credit for an excellent film.

14. Seagram Spotlight