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Dream, 1971, collage, 33"x45," by Romare Bearden. Purchase 1971.

News Notes
December 1971

The Newark Museum

Purchases of Works by Black Artists

As a follow-up to the recent exhibition of Black Artists: Two Generations the Museum has purchased fifteen works, mostly by artists from the Newark area. A major portion of the purchase funds was contributed by the Prudential Insurance Company of America, with other contributions from Hoffmann-LaRoche and anonymous donors. Artists whose works were purchased include Romare Bearden, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Barbara Fudge, Bill Hutson, Bob James, Florian Jenkins, Ben Jones, Robert Knight, Julie Miller, Joe Overstreet, Robert Reid, Rev. Arthur Roach, George Smith, Vincent Smith and Dimitri Wright. The works will be exhibited in a survey of recent acquisitions scheduled to open in the Main Gallery on Saturday, December 18.

In Memoriam

A memorial fund has been established for Nell S. Miller, wife of Director Samuel C. Miller, who died on November 8. Mrs. Miller, who was a discerning art collector, was deeply interested in the Museum and its progress.