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Barbara Chase-Riboud

1st October 1970

Miss Betty Parsons
24 West 57th Street
New York City

Dear Miss Parsons,

I have put off writing you or sending photos because Marc, my husband, planned to be in New York the middle of September. He will finally arrive about the 6th of October and will call you, bring photos and show you the sculptures that are in New York.

If you have already been to Boston, I hope you saw the things at MIT (probably under very bad conditions) through David Kibby, and the Obelisk Gallery.

After an exchange of letters and many reservations, I accepted to be in the Whitney Show I mentioned to you in London, hoping that this does not eliminate the possibility of the Whitney Annual. I had the feeling (and he said as much) that Doty was in a very tight spot and I didn't see any point in giving him a hard time. The exhibit may or may not come off. 

I am also trying for a Guggenheim Fellowship for next year which I think will be a critical year for me and which would solve my casting problems. I don't know how much about how the grants are decided, I just took a chance; cold. As reference, I asked Alex Liberman, Jean deMenil, Bill Seitz, with Marcia Tucker in reserve... Last year's jury was Geldzahler, Lasansky, Motherwell, Tony Smith, Misch Kohn and Lewis Iselin.

If you have any ideas on the subject, I would be grateful to have them.

Meanwhile, look for Marc soon. Have a good year.


199, Rue de Vaugirard, Paris XVe
48, Rue Blomet, Paris XVe