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Barbara Chase-Riboud
10 November 1970

Miss Betty Parsons
24 West 57 Street
New York, New York 10019

Dear Miss Parsons, 

Seagram Company is financing a film on Five black Artists as a public relations film to be given to and shown in schools and museums and Black Studies centers, etc. The film is in color, about half an hour long. The logo of Seagram will be at the end. They chose me as one of the five artists. Reluctantly, because of the ambiguity of these "black" categorizations, I have accepted. 

At least, I think it could be a good occasion to promote a sale to Seagram of one of my pieces, either for their own collection or as a donation to some place like the studio museum or Brandais or MIT, both of whom would like pieces (Malcolm's) but need doners. 

The man in charge of the film is Alvin Yudkoff of Silvermine Films Inc. Address: 49 West 45th Street, Tel: JU-6-6448. Marc discussed the idea of a sale with him and he thought there was a good possibility. I feel that if Seagram is buying goodwill in the black community with black artists, then they should support them. 

The other four artists in the film are: Richard Hunt, Romeare Bearden, Betty Blayton, and Jacob Lawrence. 

They are going to shoot my part here in December. This means a lot of time and inconvenience. 

I am writing Yudkoff today to tell him you are now representing me and that you may contact him. 


199. Rue De Vaugirard, Paris XVe
48. Rue Blomet, Paris XVe