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January 8th, 1971
Barbara Chase-Riboud

Mr. Jock Truman
The Betty Parsons Gallery
24 West 57th Street
New York, N. Y. 10019

Dear Mr. Truman, 

I am so happy the sculptures look OK in the show. I hope you have received the six drawings I sent. 

They have just finished shooting my segment of the Seagram's film. Thank you for being so cooperative with Mr. Yudkoff, the producer. I mentioned again the Seagram's Collection and a sale possibility. Yudkoff said Seagrams were prepared to do something as soon as the film is completed. Yudkoff will be projecting rushes of my film segment in about a week (he left today) to Seagrams and the film should be finished the beginning of April. I expect he will be finishing the two sculptures at the gallery very soon. 

Yudkoff gave me the name of the head of public relations at Seagrams who ordered the film: Dominick Albi, and also the family who owns the Seagrams: the Bronfmans, Samuel, Edgar, and Minna. Minna Bronfman, as you probably know, is one of the most interested in the art collection. Seagrams have already seen rushes on the first segment which is Charles White in California and are very happy. 

I include price list. I am very uncertain about pricing and would appreciate your help. I know how bad things are in New York now, so if you feel the prices are not keeping with the market or your other prices please feel free to suggest modifications. These prices were done last April for [[strikethrough]] with the Obelisk Gallery in Boston. 

Best, Happy New Year, 

199. Rue De Vaugirard, Paris XVE
48. Rue Blomet, Paris XVE