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La Chenilliere, Pontlevoy
Loir et Cher

Dear Mr. Truman,
Thank you for your letter of the first.
reWhitney: I sent a cable last thursday the 8th asking Doty to take my sculpture out of the show. I got a cable from Romeare Bearden saying he had done likewise on Tuesday and i got clippings from the Times. I saw Time myself. I felt it was an intolerable situation and that at least the out-of town artists should have been informed by newsletter of the total situation. It was certainly a hari kari bag of worms and nobody including those who withdrew came out well. I also sent my personal regrets and sympathy to Doty.

I have sent a release for this sculpture to Mr. Jay Schochet of Boston who would like to try and place it somewhere in Boston (a bank I think) on a loan bases. Mr. Schochet is an old friend of mine. I will make arrangements for the four I mentioned, but we may be in NY in June, so I might