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The Museum of Modern Art

11 West 53 Street, New York, N.Y. 10019 Tel. 956-6100 Cable: Modernart

Department of Painting and Sculpture

May 1, 1972

Ms. Barbara Chase-Riboud
199, rue de Vaugirard
Paris XVe, France

Dear Barbara,

I am sorry about the Committee on Painting and Sculpture not acquiring a piece but I did want you to know that, given our financial situation, the staff felt we could acquire one of the smaller pieces. But everything got mixed up, if not botched, with Mr. Bareiss insisting on bringing in the $7000 one. Anyway - they were in a very contrary mood that day and turned down almost everything. You're right about New York, it sure is tough.

I am due in Paris at the end if May and hope that I shall see you and Marc both then. I'll be there for just a few days on the way to Poland.

The Berkeley show sounds terrific. I do know the museum and think it is quite beautiful but California cannot see me in October.

Anyway, keep the faith baby,
