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For your information- Barbara Chase-Riboud

May 11th, 1972

Mr. Paul Creamer
The New Bertha Schaeffer Gallery, Inc. 
41 East 57th Street, 
New York, N.Y. 10022

Dear Paul, 

Re: Your letter of May 4th.

On December 8, 1971, I wrote you that this sculpture was at your disposal and to make arrangements to ship it back from Paris to New York. I got no reply. On February 9th, 1972, you wrote me that the sculpture was being bought by the Betty Parsons Gallery. I received no further word from you until your letter of May 4th. As requested I am shipping the sculpture back to you; it will go by sea freight, collect, on the first of June. 

There are three points to make clear:

- this sculpture was for over one year in your own warehouse and if it had been stored properly it would not have even in my stall and would not have been shipped back to Paris with my lot. Hence my returning it to you collect. And you owe me the storage I paid on this sculpture (your property) for over on year. 

- the Betty Parsons Gallery has the right to decide, for whatever reasons, to buy to not to buy this sculpture. 

- may I remind you that the price for this sculpture was $1,000, that Bertha paid only $500 and that, at the time of the settlement, I did not claim the balance due. 


cc Mr. Jock Truman
Mr. Howard Squadron