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[[image]] WHITNEY MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART 22 WEST 54th ST. • NEW YORK 19 • COLUMBUS 5-5300 GERTRUDE V WHITNEY, FOUNDER FLORA WHITNEY MILLER, PRESIDENT HERMON MORE Director LLOYD GOODRICH Associate Director JOHN I. H. BAUR Curator ROSALIND IRVINE Associate Curator MARGARET McKELLAR Executive Secretary February 24, 1956 Mr. Robert C. Graham James Graham and Sons 1014 Madison Avenue New York 21, N.Y. Dear Mr. Graham: Thank you for your letter of February 21. I have looked through our Oscar Bluemner records and find that we borrowed three paintings from his son and daughter for our Pioneers of Modern Art in America exhibition in 1946. At that time the Bluemner estate pictures were stored in the Lincoln warehouse in New York. Bluemner's son is Robert Bluemner and his address at the time of the Pioneers exhibition was 13 Hamilton Street, Braintree, Massachusetts. The daughter, Vera, had recently married and was living in New York. Her name is Mrs. R. Kouba and she lived at 501 East 136th Street in New York. The student who made a record of Bluemner's work was Craig Robinson. As I told you, he was killed in a clipper crash some years ago, and his Bluemner material is now in possession of his brother, Dr. Courtland O. Robinson, Crystal Medical Clinic, 5636 West Broadway, Minneapolis, Minnesota. I am afraid we do not have Mrs. McFee's address. However, I'm sure that John Clancy of the Rehn Galleries would be able to give it to you. Abraham Walkowitz's address is 1469-53rd Street, Brooklyn, New York. I look forward to your exhibition with great interest. Do let me know if there is anything else we can do for you. Yours sincerely, Rosalind Irvine Associate Curator RI:pp Also [[strikethrough]]Nordfeld[[/strikethrough]] Arthur B Carles Gen LK Morris Russell Morgan Ben Bens [[strikethrough]] Kafoire [[/strikethrough]] Gary Pen Du Bois Mauer Arthur [[strikethrough]] Morrow [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 135 E54 ST MU-8-6108 [[/strikethrough]]