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We are pleased to announce that our principal show this Fall season will be an exhibition of the paintings of OSCAR BLUEMNER, American 1867-1938, to be held from November 15th. - December 10th.

Recognition of Oscar Bluemner's significant contribution to modern art in America commenced with his inclusion in the Armory show of 1913. He had just returned from Germany after a year's stay which included his second Berlin exhibition. From the time of the Armory show on, an impressive number of the most discerning galleries gave exhibitions of Bluemner's work: he was one of the group of artists of that period which was recognised and presented by Alfred Stieglitz and he was also shown during the next twenty years by such galleries as Stefan Bourgeois (1917), J.B. Neumann (1924) and Marie Harriman (1935).

[[?]]It was not, however, until 1946, when the Whitney Museum held its exhibition 'Pioneers of Modern Art in America' [[circle]] exhibition [[//circle]] and included a group of canvases by Oscar Bluemner's canvases, that his position was recognised as one of that limited number of artists whose activity in the modern movement represented and influenced the formative years of Modernism in this country. 

His death in 1938 was followed a year later by a large, retrospective exhibition held at the University Gallery of the University of Minnesota. The present show, it should be noted, will be the first comprehensive showing of Oscar Bluemner's work in New York City since 1935.

full title? ***Among the collections which include examples [[circle]] of [[/circle]] By Bluemner are: the WHITNEY MUSEUM (three canvases), the MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, the PENNSYLVANIA MUSEUM OF ART, and privately, Duncan Phillips, Adolf Lewisohn, Stefan Bourgeois, et al.