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Art is far from his only interest. Blue eyes flashing, waving the smouldering butt of a frayed cigar, Oscar Florianus Bluemner last week delivered himself of his mature opinion of nudism with rich gutteral gusto:
'It iss nudding but a frustrated sexual urch! Men und vimmin running around poodle-naked und throwing medicine balls! Ridiculous! Now you take me. Effery morning of my life at seven o'clock in de morning I valk down de railroad traggs in Sout' Braintree Massajusetts until I am in de voods. And den I sid on a rock, and take off all my glothes and schmoke a tsigar and rhead Omar Kayyam. But do I have to choin a Verein? Do I haf to have a Praesident und a Honorary Praesident?"[[/crossed out]]
From a review in Time Magazine, January 14, 1935