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"...Whenever, in chemically pure imagination, one color-sensation fuses with a correlated form, you have an aesthetic compound of a higher (psychological) order, an element of painting. When sulphur and mercury are heated together they form a new substance, vermillion, of new and different properties. Thus a painting, when it is a compound of emotion and reality, of color fused with form, has properties absolutely different from those of either alone. It is not any more the original feeling, or the experience; there are no longer the objects, the things, the 'what'."
"...Concentrate and think in colors 'related to all the humanities, to all factores of the mind'. Try it and watch your step."
[[strikethrough]]Excerpts from: WHAT AND WHEN IS PAINTING? TODAY, by Oscar Bluemner, written in Braintree, Mass., October, 1929, privately printed.