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|   |   | that Agent Robinson has seized twenty four (24) bales cotton belonging to the Liverpool Cotton Co. by military force by order of Gen'l Sibley for freedmen's wages, on which they have already advanced their full value in Corn Bacon Bagging &c  As Comm'ssn Merchants they ask for immediate protection, & reply. |

| Jany 10 1868 * 239 | Lowly J. F & 173 others - Black & White Ref'd to Maj J.R. Lewis E & M. 451 Vol 4 L.R. 72 No 243 Filed | Macon, Ga. Dec 20th 1867 Petition for the removal of Capt N.S. Hill S.A.C Macon because he neglects his office for private business, which he carried on to the injury of freedmen, & is in sympathy with the disloyal, & opposed to Congressional reconstruction. |

| Jany 31 1868 240 | Boutwell Geo. S. M.C. Ref'd to Maj Lewis E&M. 452 Vol 4 Ret'd to Gen'l Sibley E&M. 504. Vol 4 Ret'd to Gen'l Howard E & M. 504 Vol 4 | Washington, D.C. Jany 24/68 States that he has received trustworthy information, from Macon, Ga. that Capt N.S. Hill, Agent of the Bureau in that city, is using his influence against reconstruction, & against the Union men of the town. Capt Hill is in the wood business, & is believed to be influenced by the city authorities, who are bitter rebels. |

| Jany 30 1868 241 | Howard O.H. Lt & S.A.C. Ref'd to Maj Lewis E&M 452. Vol 4 Returned E&M. 507 Vol 4 | Albany, Ga. Jany 29th 1868 Transmits a petition of the citizens of Albany, Ga. praying the assistance of the military, in the preservation of order & protection of property. Corroborates the statements in the petition, & requests authority to enforce vagrant law & to protect the city. |

|   | Vason, D.A. et al | Albany, Ga. Jany 28th 1868 Forward petition, asking that the vagrant population be made to leave the city, or make contracts, &c. |

| Jany 25 1868 242 | Howard O.H. Lt & S.A.C. Ref'd to Maj Lewis E&M. 453. Vol 4 L.R. 511. No 160. Vol 3 Filed Ref'd to W.C. Morrill E&M 178 Vol 5 | Albany, Ga. Jany 23d 1868 States that, Agent Robinson has disregarded his duties, in securing the wages due freedmen employed by the insolvent Liverpool Cotton Co; forwards certain papers in connection therewith, further states that in his opinion Agent Robinson, is unfit for the position which he occupies. |

|   | Howard O.H. Lt & S.A.C. | Albany, Ga. Nov 22nd 1867 Acknowledges receipt of communication regarding seizure of the effects of "Liverpool Cotton Co", for benefit of freed-people. Approving his (Robinson's) action, & ordering him seize any cotton or other crop made by freedmen, whether in hands of factors or Comm'ss Merch'ts, & hold same until claims are satisfied. These instructions are given, under the impression that he has not seized cotton in the hands of Mess Price & Son. |

|   | Brown A.R. Atty | Americus, Ga. Jany 22/68 States it is very important that prompt action should be taken to secure the wages of the laborers of the Liverpool Cotton Co of 1867. Request authority be granted Agent Robinson to seize all effects of said company, & sell some to pay |