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Dela Mesa. C.A S.A.C.  3. 4. 33. 34. 40. 41. 46. 66. 70. 85. 86. 88. 89. 96. 100. 101. 105. 
Davis. Henry Colored 7. 
Davis. J.L Colored 11. 
Daley, Wm S. 17.
Davis. Wm. R. 17.
Dunwoody. Wm C M.D 22. 
Dunham. Warren Ex. Soldier 28. 
D'Alvigny N. M.D. 31. 
Dep't of the South  34 
Dismuke F.D Ordinary 71. 
Dykes Mr 34. 46. 
Dyo. Jas 67. 
Dean. Caroline Colored 75. 87. 
Dean. Elijah Colored 75. 
Duclosworth. R.C. 79. 
Doty. Wm Agent &c 81. 95. 
Du Bignon Chas 84. 109. 
De la Mesa. F.A. Clerk 85. 100. 
Davis. Wm L M.D. 93. 
Davidson. Wm S Clerk 98. 100. 106. 
Deriny, Washington 117. 120.