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Feb. the,17, 1867 

Predgedis that tha have got against Mr A.R., Allen my husbin was a union man in the time of  the waren and stuck to it awl the time and kept one of his boys out of the Rebel anmee awl the time and the succession men tried to take his life several times of the waren bee cosse he stuck to his principals his residence is in Gwinnett County Ga and these same old sesession enmaes is a working every effort to hang him that tha can Bey teling of awl tha marackalus tails against him from Gwinnett City to Newton City and I dos hop yow will have mursey on him and mee and awl of his children and his poore old feeble boddy who tha have now got in chains as if he was a henow tiger when tha yankees passed thrue when he lived hee was with them and give them awl information he cold I doo hop yow Recived this letter and [[strikethrough]]relif [[/strikethrough]] relive my husbin at onst and if yow cant relive him I hop yow will have him tride by tha Milatary authority So as he can have Justis tha cort that tha expect to try him by comes one the third monday in march and I want yow to doo something for him  y that time what I have wrote here to yow to examen is tha truth if it is in mee I was requested to drop a few lines to you by a friend 

A.R. Allen
Rebeca Allen my wife