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Office S. A. Com. B. R. F and A. L.
Montecello Fla May 8th 1867.

Respectfully returned to Major E.C. Woodruff with information that I am personally acquainted with H.S. Linton and have examined him in reference to within business- and he makes the following explanation- that he employed the man Able- as his agent to get hands for him- instructing him to be careful not to hire any one who was in a contract- & that he was unaware of Edna Harris being in a contract- Said Able- has turned out to be a great rascal- having defrauded Linton- and victimized him out of a considerable sum of money in getting the hands- it has cost Linton $1,200 to get hands- and only four of them are with him now- Said Edna - is with H.S. Linton now- she signed a contract voluntarily in my office for ten dollars per month- she acknowledged to Mr Linton lately that she left her mother- to come here